In order to be able to fulfill your wish for your own home, we check together with you whether and to what extent construction financing is currently sensible and feasible. If you decide to do so, we will be happy to support you on the way to your new home!
In order to fulfill your wish for real estate as a building block in your capital investment, we check together with you whether and to what extent real estate financing currently makes sense and is feasible. In doing so, we also take into account your current and expected tax situation. At your request, we will provide you with an assessment of the extent to which the selected property appears to make sense as a building block in your asset investment and what opportunities and risks it entails.
How we support you:
We discuss with you the documents to be submitted and prepare them for the bank partners. We design your customized financing taking into account your individual wishes and goals (such as: Fixed interest rates, unscheduled repayments, suspension of repayments, term of financing, etc.). After the joint selection of the appropriate financing partner, we keep a permanent eye on your financing and point out any adjustments. Furthermore, we are always there for you if your circumstances change.
Secure the current historically low interest rates!
We will show you your options for doing so.